Secure Your Education for Free with Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes!

Are you struggling to pay for your education? Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes might just be the solution you need! With this program, you have a chance to secure your education for free. Keep reading to learn more about how you can benefit from this fantastic opportunity.

1. What is Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes?
Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes is a scholarship opportunity designed to financially support students who are in need of funds to secure their education.

2. How can I apply for Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes?
To apply for the scholarship, you need to visit the Educaid website and fill out the registration form. You will be required to provide basic information about yourself and your educational goals.

3. Who is eligible to apply for Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes?
The scholarship is open to high school seniors, college students, and graduate students who are legal residents of the United States and have a valid social security number.

4. How much money can I win with Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes?
The scholarship offers five winners a $5,000 scholarship each to help them pay for their education.

5. When is the deadline to apply for Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes?
The deadline to apply for the scholarship is March 31st, 2021. So, make sure to apply before the deadline to secure your education for free!

By participating in Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes, students can secure their education for free and reduce their financial burden. This scholarship program not only provides financial assistance but also motivates students to strive harder and achieve their academic goals. With Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes, students can focus more on their studies and worry less about their financial situation. So, if you are a student looking for financial assistance, Educaid’s Gimme Five Scholarship Sweepstakes can be an excellent opportunity for you to secure your education.

This site does not sell your personal information. A wonderful timesaver for juniors as they begin their college search process. FAFSA on the web is user friendly, utlilizing an interview-type format. It even lets you skip questions that do not apply to your situation. A great site to begin your college and financial aid search. The University of North Carolina at Wilmington has a great site for students to view career titles related to college majors. This site also provides links to career web pages. Scholorship has a database of more than , awards. It also has information on federal and state programs. By accessing their online database, students can research specific schools, review their admissions requirements, and request application materials via their automated email system. The site also provides links to university veb sites. CD-ROM is now available on the web! Visit Apply! Tour a campus from the comforts of your home via your computer. Note Even though Campus Tours is a quick and easy way to tour campuses, it is still best to visit a school in person. Try their new interactive crossword puzzles for help with the most difficult words on the SAT. The site also provides links to college and scholarship search sites, online applications, and more! The site also provides links to financial aid and test preparation web sites. The site also has links to the member schools. This is a great site to research scholarships. Take personality, interest , and skill assessments, prep for tests, search for colleges and scholarships, and learn how to apply for financial aid. Johns University, Study Skill Guides consists of informational resources to help students improve their study habits. Simply fill out a personal profile and let the database search for matching scholarships. You can go back later and update your profile, or you can search another database without having to re-enter your info. The site focuses on providing fast, current, and reliable information to help students in preparing for the transition to college. Students can register for the SAT online and receive their test center assignments right away. Students can now create personalized college applications, identify sources of financial aid, and locate colleges that match their talents and preferences. The site offers stories and advice to help students during the high school to college transition. Educaid is one of the top ten education lenders. The site provides news, advice on making a smooth transition to college, financial aid and scholarship information, and links to school resources. You can visit Careers and Colleges On Line to search for colleges, explore careers through their Virtual Guidance Counselor, learn more about life at a college, pose questions and talk with other students. There is information about more than colleges and universities. They update the web site as new scholarships become available. Based on Loren Popes book. About Us Why Personalized Learning? Top of page.
Many scholarship applications are sent to the guidance office for students. Applications received are made available to students and are most often given out monthly during government class. A database has been created listing names and criteria of available scholarships. It will be updated during the year and can be viewed on the Nonlocal Scholarship page. There are many free scholarship search programs available online. The best may be FastWeb, www. Log onto the site and complete the application, which asks for demographic and educational goal information. Lists of possible scholarships will be given to you as you periodically log in to check FastWeb. FastWeb will often email to you available scholarships. You are still responsible for obtaining scholarship applications, completing, and submitting them. Be careful of fee based scholarship search programs. You still have to complete the applications and most of the information that they provide to you is available through free sources. The federal and state governments provide free money to all eligible students, most in the form of grants. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA, is the form that the federal government uses to determine ones eligibility for federal student aid which includes grants, scholarships, work-study, and loans to help pay for college. A student must complete and submit the FAFSA by about March 1 in order to receive the best consideration for financial aid. Applications received after this date for most colleges will be awarded money depending on what is left. It is best to have your taxes completed prior to completing, and there is a student part and a parent part. The FAFSA requires demographic information, plus other data including students and parents expenses, savings, and assets. Please see the priority deadlines for individual colleges. Highland civic clubs, organizations, and families have generously given lots of money to graduates who go on to college.