Magnetic Gift Cards The Perfect Blend of Convenience and Style!

Magnetic gift cards have revolutionized the way people give and receive gifts. These cards offer the perfect blend of convenience and style, making them one of the most popular gifts for any occasion. With their sleek design and easy-to-use magnetic strip, these cards have become a favorite among shoppers and retailers alike. Whether you’re looking for a last-minute gift idea or simply want to treat yourself, magnetic gift cards are the perfect solution.

What are magnetic gift cards?

Magnetic gift cards are plastic cards with a magnetic stripe that contains the card’s data.

Why are magnetic gift cards so popular?

Magnetic gift cards are popular because they are easy to use, can be reloaded with funds, and offer a sleek and professional appearance.

What are the benefits of using magnetic gift cards for businesses?

Using magnetic gift cards can help businesses increase sales, improve customer loyalty, and track customer spending habits.

How can customers personalize their magnetic gift cards?

Customers can personalize their magnetic gift cards by selecting a design or image that reflects their personality or the occasion.

Are magnetic gift cards secure?

Yes, magnetic gift cards are secure because they use encryption technology to protect the data stored on the magnetic stripe.

Magnetic gift cards offer a perfect blend of convenience and style. With its sleek design and easy-to-use magnetic stripe, these cards are the perfect gift for any occasion. Users have reported a hassle-free experience when using magnetic gift cards, and they appreciate the added convenience of being able to use them at any time. Whether you’re looking for a last-minute gift or want to treat yourself, magnetic gift cards are the way to go!

A magnetic stripe card is a type of card capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic particles on a band of magnetic material on the card. The magnetic stripe, sometimes called swipe card or magstripe , is read by swiping past a magnetic reading head. Magnetic stripe cards are commonly used in credit cards , identity cards , and transportation tickets. Magnetic recording on steel tape and wire was invented by Valdemar Poulsen in Denmark around for recording audio. In , IBM used the magnetic tape idea to develop a reliable way of securing magnetic stripes to plastic cards , 2 under a contract with the US government for a security system. They also provide the standards for financial cards, including the allocation of card number ranges to different card issuing institutions. Magnetic storage was known from World War II and computer data storage in the s. In Forrest Parry , an IBM engineer, had the idea of securing a piece of magnetic tape, the predominant storage medium at the time, to a plastic card base. He became frustrated because every adhesive he tried produced unacceptable results. The tape strip either warped or its characteristics were affected by the adhesive, rendering the tape strip unusable. After a frustrating day in the laboratory, trying to get the right adhesive, he came home with several pieces of magnetic tape and several plastic cards. As he walked in the door at home, his wife Dorothea was ironing clothing. When he explained the source of his frustration inability to get the tape to stick to the plastic in a way that would work, she suggested that he use the iron to melt the stripe on. He tried it and it worked. In , the marketing organization was transferred by IBM DPD back to the Information Records Division in order to begin sales and marketing strategies for the magnetically striped and encoded cards being developed. Arthur E. Hahn Jr. This conversion enabled the computer to monitor and control the entire production process the IRD engineers designed and built. This tightly secured area with limited access was required because of the sensitivity of the data that would ultimately be used to encode and emboss the credit and ID cards. The IRD engineers first had to develop a reliable process of hot stamping the magnetic stripe to the plastic cards. Other members of the group were N. The code would also be used for production and inventory control of products. Up until systems using magnetic cards for access control were called Card Wipe Systems. The continuous use of the mag strip made them unreliable. In a UK company Mirocache Ltd, run by ex-retailer Norman Guiver, replaced the mag strip with a Type 39 dot matrix printed bar code for use in access control and as a membership card, and coined the name Swipe Card. The barcode proved very reliable and has been the standard format for Swipe cards ever since, for high use applications. In , after the IBM IRD engineers completed the development and building phase of the project they began in , they released the equipment to the IRD manufacturing group in Dayton, New Jersey , to begin producing the plastic magnetic striped credit and ID cards. Because of the sensitivity of the customer data and the security requirements of banks, insurance companies and others, the manufacturing group decided to leave the entire line in the secured area where it was developed. Banks, insurance companies, hospitals etc. They also supplied the data information which was to be encoded and embossed on the cards. This data was supplied to IRD on large 0. This operation of applying the magnetic stripe to the plastic cards was done off line in another area of IBM IRD and not in the secured area. The cards were then brought into the secured area and placed in hoppers at the beginning of the production line. The tape reels containing the data were then installed on the modified IBM computer prior to beginning the encoding, embossing and verification of the cards. After the performed a check to verify that all systems and stations were loaded and ready to go, the computer began feeding the Magnetic Striped Plastic Cards from the hoppers at the front end of the production line down a motorized track. The entire operation was fully automated and controlled by the modified IBM business computer. The line consisted of the following stations and operations. This completed the manufacturing line for the magnetic striped encoded and embossed plastic credit and badge access cards. The envelopes were then taken to be posted and mailed directly to the customers of the companies who had ordered the cards from IRD. They laid the foundation for the entire magnetic stripe card industry that we know and use today through our use of credit cards , ATM cards, ID cards , hotel room and access cards, transportation tickets, and all the terminals and card readers that read the cards and enter the data into computers.