Unlock the Savings Bobbie Pinz Discount Code for Your Hair Accessory Collection

Unlock the savings with Bobbie Pinz discount code for your hair accessory collection and revamp your style game without overspending. With an extensive range of hair accessories, Bobbie Pinz offers an easy and cost-effective way to upgrade your hairdo. Whether you’re looking for hairpins, headbands or hair combs, their collection has got you covered. So, get ready to add some sparkle and shine to your tresses with Bobbie Pinz and save big with their exclusive discount code.

What is Bobbie Pinz?

Bobbie Pinz is an online store that offers a wide range of hair accessories, including hairpins, headbands, clips, and more.

How can I save money on my Bobbie Pinz purchase?

You can use the Bobbie Pinz discount code to unlock savings on your hair accessory collection.

What kind of hair accessories can I find at Bobbie Pinz?

Bobbie Pinz offers a variety of hair accessories, including bridal hair accessories, vintage-inspired hair accessories, and even custom-made pieces.

How can I use the Bobbie Pinz discount code?

To use the Bobbie Pinz discount code, simply enter the code at checkout when making your purchase.

Is the Bobbie Pinz discount code available for a limited time?

Yes, the Bobbie Pinz discount code is available for a limited time only.

After using Bobbie Pinz discount code, users have reported significant savings on their hair accessory collection. Not only does this code help save money, but it also allows users to expand their collection without breaking the bank. With the variety and quality of products offered by Bobbie Pinz, using their discount code is a win-win situation for any hair accessory lover.

Click Here for Sports. The U. Postal Service looked at possible sites for loca tion of the Alturas Post Office this week, but Mayor John Hagerman said they were tight-lipped about the actual spot. But, they really wouldnt pinpoint the locations. None of those sites were confirmed by Postal officials this week. The current Post Office location near Bank of America is not be ing considered for continued use, said Hagerman. The Post Office has stated the facility and the lot are too cramped for the needs. Changing the speed limit on U. The board intends to contact state legisla tors and ask for help in dealing with the law involving the speed limits through small towns. CalTrans, later Tuesday evening, told the Modoc Local Transportation Commission, that it would put up signs in both directions warning of Congestion Ahead and Intersection. The county is concerned about the speed limit through the small town, and the interest was heightened following a school bus-car accident on the highway in front of the Davis Creek Store last month. There were no in juries to the students on the bus, but a family in the car sustained injuries. Speed was not a factor in the accident, said the CHP, but a school bus stop or turn around area might be better signed. CalTrans explained that in the past five years only two accidents have occurred in the area, and neither was speed related. The school bus accident was driver error and the other single vehicle accident was because of icy roads. Able-bodied adults on General Assistance in Modoc County will only be able to draw that help for three months in any 12 month period. The Modoc County Board of Supervisors Tuesday passed a resolution limiting the eligibility to three months and the ef fective date is June 1. Previously there was no time limit on General Assistance. County Social Services Director Richard, ex plained that counties in the state are adopting time limita tions on General Assistance and Modoc had to follow suit or become a county of choice for those people dropped from other counties. The new eligibility limits do not impact those folks on interim assistance, who are generally waiting for rulings on SSI or other benefits. According to Belarde, Shasta and Butte Counties just dropped people off their General Assistance rolls, prompting neighboring counties to do something to avoid a major impact from those people migrating in. At the present time, Belarde said the county has 25 people on the GA rolls. Belarde is also looking for volunteer super visors who would help with a work program for those people. Those volunteers would supervise crews of General Assistance recipients as they perform some pubic service work. To volunteer, call either Belarde at or the City of Alturas at CalTrans reports that Highway at various locations from seven miles north to 32 miles north of Canby main tenance project for shoulder repair one-way traffic con trolled by flaggers and pilot car delays of up to 15 minutes should be expected. Completion is set for the end of May. Highway at various locations from 18 miles north of Alturas to seven miles south of the Oregon State line maintenance project for pavement repair one-way traffic controlled by flaggers and pilot car delays of up to 15 minutes may be expected. Fire season began early and with a burst, consuming nearly acres on private and federal lands. Located approximately 30 miles east of Lakeview, Ore. So far, six engines, five dozers, two hand crews, two water tenders, and one heli copter have been dispatched to the scene near Drews Valley Ranch north of Highway west. The fire is burning in slash and is under investiga tion. No fire restrictions are in place at this time, but every one is reminded to use ex treme caution when burning outside or smoking outside a vehicle or building. Dozers have put a line around the perimeter of the fire, but afternoon winds caused flames and embers to jump outside the line in spots. Two more hand crews have been ordered to accom pany the 20 person SRV crews, four dozers, two heli copters, two strike teams of engines 10 total , three wa ter tenders, four additional engines, and approximately 22 overhead personnel in various positions. At this time, fire officials are taking a look at the fire from the air to better assess Drews Fire size and situa tion. It is expected to be un der control by Friday evening. The cause of the fire is still under investiga tion. The forecast Variable cloudiness is in the forecast Friday with a slight chance of thunderstorms. The clouds remain through the weekend with more sun on Sunday. Highs should be in the 70s and lows in the upper 30s to 50s. Over the next couple of weeks, people around Modoc County will be slap ping mortar boards on their heads, grabbing sheepskins and turning tassels. Its graduation time again. Six other individuals will receive As sociate of Arts degrees through Lassen College.