Top 10 Twitter Giveaways You Don’t Want to Miss Out On!

As social media platforms continue to evolve, Twitter remains a powerful tool for engaging with brands and winning freebies. If you’re a fan of giveaways, you’ll want to check out our list of the top 10 Twitter giveaways you don’t want to miss out on. From luxury vacations to the latest tech gadgets, these giveaways offer something for everyone. So, grab your phone and get ready to start tweeting!

What are Twitter giveaways?

Twitter giveaways are contests or promotions where companies or individuals offer prizes in exchange for engagement on the social media platform.

How can you find Twitter giveaways?

You can find Twitter giveaways by searching for hashtags like #giveaway or #contest, following brands or influencers who frequently host giveaways, or using online tools like Giveaway Promote.

What are some popular types of Twitter giveaways?

Popular types of Twitter giveaways include retweet-to-win contests, photo or video contests, and trivia or quiz contests.

Why should you participate in Twitter giveaways?

Participating in Twitter giveaways can be a fun way to engage with brands, potentially win prizes, and increase your own social media following.

What are some tips for winning Twitter giveaways?

To increase your chances of winning Twitter giveaways, make sure to follow the rules, engage with the brand or influencer hosting the giveaway, and share the giveaway with your own followers.

1. You will have the opportunity to win amazing prizes that you may not have been able to afford otherwise.
2. Participating in Twitter giveaways is a fun way to engage with other users and potentially make new connections.
3. Winning a giveaway can boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself.
4. You can learn about new products and brands that you may not have known about before.
5. By following the rules of the giveaway, you can also increase your chances of building a strong social media presence.

I win more prizes on Twitter than by any other method averaging a prize a week, in fact. So how can you increase your chances of winning a Twitter competition? Here are my top tips. Retweet comps are easy to enter, which makes them incredibly hard to win. They also turn your profile page into a spammy list of adverts, and could end up with you getting filtered from Twitter search results. Instead, spend more time entering comps where the promoter asks for a reply, photograph or a comment. Send original tweets, reply to people you follow and most of all, enjoy tweeting. If you do enter retweet giveaways, enter as late as you can to ensure your entry is seen! Make your tweets memorable. Add photos, GIFs, be funny, say something about their amazing products try tagging a Twitter friend too. Avoid numbers and underscores. Try not to let your username give away your age or your comping hobby some promoters will be looking for winners of a certain age usually those lucky twenty-somethings! Got a crap username? To change it, simply log in, go to your Account Settings and type a new one in. Add an entertaining bio and pin a fun non-comping tweet to the top of your profile tap the three dots under an existing tweet to do this. Find and follow all your favourite local bars, restaurants, shopping centres, theatres, magazines, radio stations and cinemas on Twitter most of them will do regular giveaways, and local Twitter comps get very few entries! The benefit of following smaller, local businesses is that they usually follow you back and the more followers you have, the less likely you are to be filtered by Twitter. Add the companies to a Twitter list too. Use Twitter advanced search at www. Specify hashtags, dates, tweet types, or even restrict your search near a certain location. When you get your results, make sure to select Latest to see all recent tweets enter right away, or Like the ones to check out later on. Happy with the results? Go to Settings the cog on your profile , then Notifications and turn off retweets and likes. The only notifications worth getting are messages but I opt to turn off Mobile Notifications entirely in my iPhone settings and check the app regularly instead. Tweetdeck is amazing but you can only use it on a computer, not on a mobile device. It shows you a set of scrolling columns, which can be your feed, mentions, messages, a Twitter list , a search, or a user. At the top of each column you can filter the content, even specifying a location or date range. Searching for a relevant hashtag along with the word win or competition should give a selection of results. Twitter parties have unique hashtags tweet with the hashtag during the party they generally last an hour, so entry numbers are low and you can win prizes. Never been to one? Read my Twitter party tips. Another way to find competitions is to follow other compers and click on the hashtags they tweet! For Halloween, Mothers Day and Christmas you can guess exactly what promoters will be asking for, so set up folders of pumpkins, mum selfies and Christmas jumper photos. And of course, you could buy my SuperLucky Secrets book for lots more tips! Tags Twitter. May i ask about how someone who do giveaway in her tweet acc. She is using twrench for picking the winners. So are you know wiyh twrench? Is there a list where I can use other members for tagging in on twitter like you do for instagram. We aim to run our prize draws entirely fair and totally random. An interesting read with some great tips. Also, does RTing several times make it more likely to win? You can only click the retweet button once on a tweet if you click again, it will undo the retweet. Great tips as always, Di. Twitter and blog comps make up most of my winnings. Hopefully that will help promoters choose me more often! Fab tips as usual Di! Have not been on Twitter long so am learning slowly!! I won some spa vouchers with a photo reply!! Definitely going to search for my wish list too! Great article Di! Do you know if theres a way to filter your feed on twitter so that only local companies etc appear? Or if you can filter these into a list? I follow thousands of twitter accounts and find it difficult to wade through it all sometimes! Yes you could! I use lists on Twitter for local companies, kids companies, local compers, creative compers and more. I do prefer doing a regular search for my local Brighton comps though or use a Tweetdeck column. When you follow a company, look for similar users that Twitter recommends you can find some good local businesses that way! YouTube video coming soon about this! Good points Di, question, is there a way to get it in order, as I get times and dates all mixed up. Do you mean on your news feed Lisa, or when you search? On a search click LIVE to see things in date order. I won one on Friday as a last minute entrant and back in November won by entering with a minute to go!