5 Fun and Creative Gift Exchange Games to Play with Gift Cards

Gift exchange games are a fun and creative way to celebrate the holiday season with friends and family. If you’re tired of the traditional gift-giving routine, why not try playing a game with gift cards? Not only is it an easy way to exchange gifts, but it also adds an element of excitement and surprise to the occasion. Here are five fun and creative gift exchange games to try out this year.

What is a White Elephant Gift Exchange and how do you play it with gift cards?

– White Elephant Gift Exchange is a game where participants bring a wrapped gift and take turns choosing a present or stealing one from someone who has already opened one.

What is Secret Santa and how can you incorporate gift cards into the game?

– Secret Santa is a game where participants draw names and anonymously give gifts to their selected person.

What is a Gift Card Scavenger Hunt and how can you organize one for a group?

– A Gift Card Scavenger Hunt is a game where participants search for gift cards hidden in various places.

What is a Gift Card Bingo and how can you play it with a group?

– Gift Card Bingo is a game where participants play bingo with gift cards as prizes.

What is a Gift Card Poker and how can you play it with a group?

– Gift Card Poker is a game where participants play poker with gift cards as chips.

In conclusion, playing gift exchange games with gift cards is an incredibly fun and creative way to exchange gifts during the holiday season. These games not only provide entertainment but also add an element of surprise and excitement to the gift-giving experience. By using these unique and exciting games, you can make the gift exchange process more meaningful and memorable for everyone involved. So, next time you plan a gift exchange event with your friends and family, consider incorporating these fun and creative games for a truly unforgettable experience.

Great Memories The Easy Way. Christmas gifts what would a Christmas party be without a Christmas gift exchange game! Swapping, grabbing, unwrapping, and pleading for someone to take it. These Christmas gift exchange ideas are funny, sweet, and maybe a little sentimental. Something for every taste. If you are here just for the games, jump to the Christmas Gift Exchange Games. This post contains affiliate links. After clicking one of these links, I might get a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase. Read our full disclosure and liability disclaimer. It can be fun it can be stressful and it can get costly. Having a theme for the gift exchange makes the shopping perhaps a little easier and so much more fun. Pick a season and get ready to shop and receive all kinds of cool things, from beach bags to umbrellas. Perhaps the gift is simply a t-shirt, or it could be something odd like a state bird, hopefully, a decorative and not a real one. Made in the USA is a popular version of this. It does not have to be made in the country you choose but something that reminds you of it, like a gift with all the flag colors. Board games, card games it will be fun! After unwrapping the games, go ahead and use them right there at the Christmas party. If your family has many people who love DIY projects, this is the one to go with. Everyone gets to prepare a DIY gift. Well, perhaps we all have received items that we never use. Pass on the gift to someone who would love it. Give a gift of doing an activity together with the gift receiver. It could be something simple like going to movies, hiking, picnic, or something extravagant like a cruise. Everyone writes their initials on paper. For example, Ally Smith would write AS. Whoever buys a gift for her would look for an item with those letters like bASket or SoAp. This is especially fun for adults. Buy a gift that has something to do with the birth year of the gift receiver, like a movie that came out that year. Yeah, you need some music at your Christmas party. This can get quite crazy, but it will be a hoot. Give a gift that has a ton of sentimental value. Something that reminds you of the gift receiver, maybe a vacation you have taken together. Everyone needs some kind of storage thing. It could be for the desk, closet, cupboard, counters, or storing magazines, books, anything. Yep, the other thing that is super popular after the Holidays. Any kind of fitness item from jump ropes and hand weights to yoga mats would be fun. Christmas gift exchange wish lists make shopping easy! Pick a style that you like the best gift sack, sleigh, or Christmas tree. Take a closer look at the Gift Exchange Wish Lists and pick the one you like the best! You can always do the bowl or paper bag way. Nothing wrong with that, but to add a little bit of excitement and fun to the drawing, do one of these activities. Attach the names to candy canes and hide them in the game area. Everyone scatters to look for the candy canes and will get a name AND a sweet treat. You could also use clear ornaments and put a rolled-up paper with the name and the wish list in the ornament. Tape the names and wish lists under the chairs. All you need is Christmas Gift Exchange Chaos cards. Put the cards in a bowl or paper sack and take turns picking one and doing what it says. Digital pdf file. Nothing will be shipped. Currently, only available to customers in the USA. In this game, the gifts stay in place, and the players move. It can get quite chaotic, especially if the gifts are unwrapped! Every time one of those words is read, the players pass the gifts in that direction. Hide the gifts in the game area. The players can grab an unwrapped gift from someone. In that case, the person now without a gift is back in the game. Comes in two sizes. Digital, pdf file. Nothing will be shipped to you. Sold via our store ShopRelaxedHostess. Currently available only to customers in the USA. The more people you have, the more fun this game is, so it is the perfect Christmas exchange game for large families. As a variation play a short clip of a Christmas song and ask the guests what word comes next. Play like the Christmas carol game, except that in this game, you play a short clip of a Christmas movie and ask the guests to name the film. You could also read quotes from Christmas movies. The one who guesses the name of the film the section is from gets to pick a gift. The Christmas Lane game is like a cakewalk game, except that you keep playing until everyone gets a gift. Buy the beautifully illustrated Christmas Lane Gift Exchange Game and go for a walk to collect a gift. For this game, you need two decks of cards and a big pile of presents. Maybe two or three for each player. One is good too. Play a fun game of Christmas Pictionary or charades. Whoever wins the round gets to choose a present. Stack up paper cups, write points on the cups. Everyone gets a set amount of shots.